Tuesday, March 30, 2010

blog post 10

Gioachino Rossini was a renowned opera composer, having composed thirty-nine operas. His opera, Bianca e Falliero, II consiglio dei tre, consists of two acts. The act in this youtube video is act II, which consists of the quartet and stretta. The opera singers use a lot of vibrato in their voices; as the music intensifies, the amount of vibrato used increases. There is not really a distinct melody; the music is always different since it is telling a dramatic story. The tempo is very upbeat and fast, a bit on the allegro side. The opera singers use a great deal of accents, crescendos and decrescendos along with their many facial expressions to add more drama into the opera. The strings in the accompaniment part use a lot of fast scales and chromatics. There is a great range present within this opera, the soprano’s pitch can go extremely high and the bass’ pitch can go relatively low. The majority of the second act is polyphonic, although there are parts where the instruments are homophonic. For the most part, act two of Bianca e Falliero is in compound meter; there is a part where the soprano singer sings sort of an acapella and the meter is almost undistinguishable. After all the singers’ passionate arguing, the opera ends on a happy note.

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